The 7 Deadly Sins and the TAO

<b>The 7 Deadly Sins and the TAO</b>
Use the TAO wisdom to overcome the 7 Deadly Sins, and live in reality, instead of in fancy and fantasy.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Healthy Holistic Skincare

To have beautiful anti-aging skin to look forever young, you must have healthy holistic skincare.

Healthy holistic skincare is based on the principles of self-repairing and self-maintaining. Your skin is your body’s biggest organ. Its built-in functions are as follows:

1. Regulating your body temperature

2. Eliminating toxins from your body

3. Preventing dehydration

4. Protecting your body from sun-damage through its pigment melanin

Nature has given your body its innate capability to repair itself. Good maintenance holds the key to rejuvenation, and hence absolute facial beauty.

According to holistic skincare, a super skin is the result of a super diet: you need to feed your skin healthily from the inside. Always eat Super Foods. In addition, you need to cleanse and nourish it from the outside. Absolute facial beauty derives from the inside as well as the outside.

Remember, all skincare products can do only so much, no matter how natural and organic they are.

Protect your skin from the sun. A tanned look may make you glow with youthfulness for now, but it damages your skin permanently, including skin cancer. Skin cancer may be deadly, in addition to scarring facial beauty.

There are three basic types of skin cancer:

(1) Basal cell cancers occur mainly around the nose; other common areas of occurrence include the cheeks, the ears, the neck, and the upper back. Basal cell cancers are a result of too much sun exposure.

(2) Squamous cell cancers are often deadly because they tend to spread. Again, chronic sun exposure is the cause.

(3) Melanomas are the deadliest type of skin cancer.

Skin cancer is due to accumulated DNA damage in a skin cell, resulting in uncontrollable growth that multiplies repeatedly.

If you have fair skin, or family history of skin cancer, you should have your skin examined by a dermatologist. Also, you can perform self-exam. The warning signs to look for include the following:

(1) Moles that are irregular in shape, with scalloped or notched edges

(2) Moles that are typically brown or black, and sometimes with patches of blue, red, and white

(3) Moles that are larger than a quarter of an inch

(4) Moles that are asymmetrical (the sides are uneven and do not match)

Early detection of skin cancer is critical to recovery and survival. In addition, early detection can prevent the skin cancer from penetrating deeply through the layers of skin, resulting in more skin damage and even fatality. Nowadays, with the advancement of technology, skin caner can be removed without removing too much skin tissue, and therefore scars are minimal.

Swelling of lymph nodes in armpits or the neck may indicate that the skin cancer has spread. Beware!

Diet may prevent skin cancer. Eat whole foods, rich in folic acid, and the B vitamins.

Protect your skin from the sun, especially between 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. A tanned look may not give you ultimate facial beauty. Remember, skin cancer lags behind about 10 to 20 years later. More than 80 percent of skin damage from the sun occurs in the first two decades of one's life. It is, therefore, important to protect children, so that they may have facial beauty and healthy skin when they grow up.

The holistic wisdom in skincare is to use little lotions and potions even for cleansing and moisturizing your skin.

Leon's Anti-Aging Beauty Secrets: Make your own natural skin care recipes to remove wrinkles, crow's feet, age-spots for absolute facial beauty.

Skincare is not about applying lotions on your skin to make it beautiful, it is about keeping your whole body healthy so that the skin reflects the inner beauty and internal health of an individual.

Stephen Lau

Copyright© by Stephen Lau

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