The 7 Deadly Sins and the TAO

<b>The 7 Deadly Sins and the TAO</b>
Use the TAO wisdom to overcome the 7 Deadly Sins, and live in reality, instead of in fancy and fantasy.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Healthy Pregnancy Lifestyle

Life is about changes, some of which are challenging. Pregnancy is one of the major changes in life that are both challenging and significant.

If you have been living a healthy lifestyle, good for you! According to research studies, if you are healthy, you have 95 percent chance of getting a healthy baby. If you are not having a healthy lifestyle, now is as good a time as any to make some important lifestyle changes to benefit both the baby and yourself.

Don’t Smoke

Smoking is one of the major health hazards in contemporary living. Smoking may lead to cancer, emphysema, and heart disease, among other disorders for a woman who smokes.

Nicotine during pregnancy have the following adverse effects on the baby and the mother:
Nicotine decreases blood flow to the baby.

Carbon monoxide reduces the amount of oxygen in the baby’s blood.

The baby weighs at least half a pound less than the baby from a non-smoker mother.

Complications, such as miscarriage, preterm delivery, placenta previa, placental abruption, and preterm rupture of the membranes are more common in babies of mothers who smoke during pregnancy.  
Nicotine replacement therapy, such as patches and lozenges, may not be safe for the baby. Even fathers who smoke before and after pregnancy may create respiratory problems and sudden infant death (SID) for their babies.

The bottom line: kick the habit, and give up smoking once and for all. Understandably, it is a challenging endeavor, but it can be done with persistence and perseverance, especially if the baby’s health is the first priority.

Of course, smoking illegal drugs should be avoided completely if you do desire a safe and healthy pregnancy.
Don’t Drink Excessively

Excessive alcohol consumption should be avoided. It may affect mental alertness and emotional imbalance. Occasional alcohol drinking may be acceptable. Do use your common sense and discretion to decide how much alcohol you should consume during your pregnancy.
Don’t Change Cat’s Litter Box

Cats may be infected with toxoplasmosis, a food-borne infection affecting the baby. Do avoid changing your cat’s litter box (why not: cats may get the infection from infected outdoor cats, and the parasite is present in their feces).
Don’t Take Overheated Hot Tubs and Saunas
Overheating the body may increase the risk of miscarriage, or neural tube defect in the baby. Do be aware of the high temperature in your body.

Eating gives enjoyment to life, especially during pregnancy. However, it does not mean that you should eat just anything you want to eat. Again, pregnancy is the time to change to some healthy eating habits.
Do Develop Healthy Eating Habits

Slowly and progressively change your eating habits for a safe and healthy pregnancy.
The Dos and Don’ts

Do eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.

Do prepare meals fresh as much as possible.

Do use healthy cooking methods, such as broiling and steaming, instead of deep-frying.

Don’t go on diet, or drastically change from a meat-eating to a vegetarian diet

Don’t skip breakfast.

Don’t rely on take-out or fast food.

Don’t put on too much weight. Don’t get the concept that you are eating for two instead of one (why not: the baby needs only 300-500 calories).

Don’t consume empty calories, such as candies, sugar-loaded drinks and foods, high-fat snacks, (why not: they add only empty calories without adding nutrients).

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