The 7 Deadly Sins and the TAO

<b>The 7 Deadly Sins and the TAO</b>
Use the TAO wisdom to overcome the 7 Deadly Sins, and live in reality, instead of in fancy and fantasy.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

The Importance of Time

Time will fly as your baby grows. Time is of essence because it shapes the future of your baby. There is a Chinese saying: “Age three defines what is up to eighty years old.” The first three years of your baby are most important; they design his destiny and shape his future. Remember, you can never turn back the clock.
Of the first three years, the first year is the most important in the life of a baby: it defines his temperament and personality; it develops his brain cells; it forms the bonding with his parents. The first year is the only time to develop his multi-language skills and verbal talents. If you want your baby to speak more than one language or even multiple languages, give him the exposure within the first year, and don’t procrastinate.
Time is of essence in that the more time you are willing to spend with your baby, the smarter he will become. It all depends on you, the parent.
Be conscious of time. Make the most of it to teach and train your baby. Everything that you do or say will impact your baby as he or she grows.

This book provides simple guidelines and a blueprint for all parents who wish to make their smart babies super smart.

After months of pregnancy, your baby has finally arrived. This has also opened a new challenging chapter in your life: how to help your baby grow and develop both physically and intellectually to the best potentials. You may easily become overwhelmed by the exhaustive information on the Internet with respect to raising a smart baby. Simplicity holds the key. Be simple in your approach to your everyday activities and interactions with your baby. Make the best and the most out of the first three years of your baby’s life to enhance and optimize brain growth with super intelligence.

This book focuses on simple games and daily activities and interactions to stimulate your baby's brain to develop language skills and spatial intelligence, even as early as one-month- old.  

Stephen Lau 

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