The 7 Deadly Sins and the TAO

<b>The 7 Deadly Sins and the TAO</b>
Use the TAO wisdom to overcome the 7 Deadly Sins, and live in reality, instead of in fancy and fantasy.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Teaching Your Smart Baby to Count

Teach your baby the mathematic concept of numbers, even long before he can speak.

Show your baby your one finger, and say: “ONE.” Then show him your two fingers and say “TWO.” If your baby begins to show his interest in language, he will look at your mouth and watch how you articulate clearly and slowly those words. Repeat the process with two similar objects, such as two balls, saying “ONE” and “TWO.” At first, you baby may think that the sounds of the two words refer to the balls and the fingers. But, as soon as he knows what “balls” and “fingers” are, he will then perceive the abstract concept of numbers. Then proceed to counting other numbers, and play some simple board games, during which he learns to read the numbers on the dice as he moves his playing piece over the board.

The bottom line: expose your baby to the mathematic concept, and let him relate or understand the concept when he is mentally ready. Recognition of objects is the first step, and understanding the mathematic concept of numbers will follow suit.

To illustrate, “Chaser” is the name of the dog belonging to a retired psychologist John Pilley, who has successfully trained his dog to recognize over one thousand toys or items by their name and retrieve them at his command. It was shown on TV that Chaser has the largest tested memory of any non-human animal. If a dog can do it, a smart baby may have the super memory to remember everything. All he needs to do is to harness his mental skills to put everything in the right order through mental perception, and then relate them to some abstract concepts he has experienced or has been exposed to—this mental visualization and subsequent profound understanding is a testament to his intelligence.

Make Your Smart Baby Super Smart

Stephen Lau
Copyright© by Stephen Lau

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